Total photos: 3




Odosla správu Chybný profil

I need to meet someone who will introduce me to new things, adore (or put up with) my wacky moods and keep me in line.

Dátum narodenia 18.03.1983
Znamenie zverokruhu Blíženci
Pohlavie Muž
Typ vzahu vážny vzah, sex
Krajina United States
Email You must be at least a Silver member to view this data
States/Province Albany - New York - Albany
Hľadám Žena
Hľadaný vek 14 - 60
Dátum registrácie 26.08.2010, 10:37:54
Posledné pripojenie You must be at least a Free member to view this data
User type Free member
User online status You must be at least a Free member to view this data
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